Wednesday 19 November 2014

Film Opening: The Usual Suspects

The opening two minutes of The Usual Suspects give very little of the plot away.  This is because none of the characters are revealed, there is no dialogue and very little to look at.  All that is visible on screen is the sea, dark in colour, which eventually turns out to be the location for the film's climatic action scene.  I believe that they did this because the whole movie relies on mystery and secrecy and so to have such an unrevealing opening sequence is very fitting to the rest of the film.

In the foreground of the sea, we see the opening credits in white.  Popping up and fading away at regular intervals, the white makes them stand out against the dark blue of the sea, making them easily seen so that the audience are aware of who made the film.

I think that whilst this film opening is effective for it's genre, setting the mood for the rest of the film, it would not be suitable to do something similar for my AS coursework due to the fact that so little happens and it is very basic in it's nature.

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