Tuesday 25 November 2014

Film Idea (Practise)

In our last Media lesson, we were given a genre, a prop and two characters, and told to develop a film in it's entirety around these elements.  This is our result:

Selected Movie Elements:  'Horror', 'A Knife', 'Jack, 26' and 'Jane, 20'

Film Title:  3
Certificate:  18
Running Time:  Around 120mins
Genre:  Horror, Thriller
Language:  English
Location:  A London Call Centre

Main Characters:

Jack Stewart:  The film's protagonist, Jack is a stereotypical worker at the call centre, Aspect.  He generally blends in with the rest of the people working at the small office and does not talk to people much.  He has a romantic interest in Jane when she joins the team at the start of the film and dies, although in vain, in attempt to save her from death at the end of the film.

Jane Wilson:  Love Interest of Jack.  Seemly shy but funny personality, blonde and attractive in appearance.  She is hired by Aspect and the film starts on her first day in the job.  Killed by Ridley and is the last to die in the movie. 

Ridley Harris:  Physically weak but ingenious mastermind behind all the key events of the movie.  Having killed Mr. Svenson, the Aspect CEO, he pre-recorded the Tannoy and put himself back amongst the action to avoid suspicion.  Only surviving character.

Murdoch 'Mud' Vincent:  The office bully and dictator of the centre, Murdoch is a tall and intimidating character who terrorises most of the cast, especially Ridley.  Had a one night stand with Trish who he is secretly in love with but is defensive and is abusive towards her and makes her feel ashamed. Changes after the events begins and becomes better as a person.  He makes amends with Trish who secretly loved him too and admits his affection to her shortly before she dies. Sacrifices his own life to save the others in Stage 3

Lloyd Friar:  Lloyd is Murdoch's 'second in command' at the office, often found by his side when he is terrorising the rest of the cast.  Appears to genuinely enjoy violence as proven when he goes on a murderous rampage during Stage 1 where 2/3 of the 27 workers needed to die.  Killed by Murdoch in order to stop Lloyd's frenzied self from killing anybody else. 

Billy Mason:  Gentler and more easy going 'third-in-command' of the office jock trio.  Becomes so traumatised after the death of Lloyd and after killing several people in self defence at the same time that he commits suicide in the bathroom by breaking a window and jumping to his death.

Sally Anderson:  The mother figure of the office.  In her early 70s and not wanting to leave, Sally has been at the centre for years and is somebody for the younger workers to turn to for advice or information before the event.  She is happy to admit her chances of surviving are limited and happily gives her own life to save Lionel in Stage 2 after he saved her in Stage 1.

Lionel Kingsley:  The calm and collected, very level headed supervisor of the call centre.  A natural leader he is well liked and takes immediate control of the situation after the event and tries to keep things under control.  He saves Sally in from certain death in Stage 1, putting his own life in danger. Dies in Stage 3 from an electric chair type contraption. His final words are said with solemn but comforting aplomb: "hey, I've seen a man get struck by lightening and live to tell the story - maybe I'll pull through..."

Trish Sims:  Mr. Svenson's attractive secretary and general busybody around the office in her early 20s.  Was shamed by Murdoch after they slept together but secretly still loves him.  After he reveals that he loves her too she tells him "that's all I ever wanted", and sacrifices her own life in Stage 2 so that he can live.

Vanessa Hughes:  The intelligent and sarcastic girl at the office.  She generally explains everything and is generally quite likeable around the office. Dies at Stage 3 after tripping a boobytrapped wire.

Mr Svenson:  The Swedish CEO of the organisation who is mysteriously found hanged in his office.  This is assumed to have been suicide however his bubbly personality and general wellbeing causes suspicion among the workers.  This conspiracy that he was murdered is confirmed when Jack finds footage of him being forcefully put into a noose and murdered by a masked figure.


The film opens at an office on a Monday morning.  Jane is new to the call centre and is introduced by Mr Svenson who then retreats to his office.  After exchanging a few glances with each other, John talks to Jane, there is obvious attraction between them.  'Mud' and his cronies are berating and harshly teasing Ridley.  When Trish intervenes, Murdoch turns his attention to her in an abusive way.  Vanessa and Lionel are discussing figures and talk of potential promotion.  Suddenly, a scream is heard from the CEO's office and we discover Mr Svenson hanged in his room.  Immediately assumed to be suicide, people are quite surprised and shocked as to what has happened.  They try to call the police but they can't get signal and all the phones in the centre appear to be dead.  They try to leave but the doors are locked shut, leaving them stranded, 100ft in the sky in the office skyscraper.

Suddenly, the Tannoy is heard across the office.  The voice is distorted as to disguise the man behind it.  It reveals that out of the 27 people left in the office, only 9 can survive into 'Stage 2'.  At first people think it is a wind up, but then on every computer screen appears a masked figure forcing Mr Svenson into a noose, and hanging him.  At once people begin to breakdown, there is silence before Lloyd goes on a crazy rampage, killing several people, this kicks violence off as everybody fights to save themselves.  Jack puts Jane behind him and battles their way to the bathroom to safety.  Lionel saves the elderly Sally from onslaught, wounding his own arm in the process.  Ridley is cowering in the corner and people seem to almost not realise that he is there.  Eventually, after Lloyd has killed several people, just as Lloyd is about to attack Trish, Murdoch overpowers Lloyd and chokes him to death, visually upset by the process.  He is the last to die, leaving the remaining nine in Jack, Jane, Ridley, Sally, Trish, Lionel, Vanessa, Murdoch and Billy. 

The surviving members of the call centre are given time to catch their breath and go over what is happening to them.  Billy is evidently distraught that Mud killed Lloyd and tries to attack him but Murdoch easily stops him and instead tries to reassure him. Jane thanks Jack for saving her and they are close to kissing before Billy storms in, still upset.  Jane and Jack leave Billy in the bathroom alone who then, in his anger accidentally smashes a window, cutting his hand in the process.  However, in his despair and obviously disturbed state, climbs out of the smashed window and jumps to his death.  Meanwhile, the Tannoy begins again.  It tells the remaining people that they should look in the drawer of Mr Svenson's desk to understand what happens next.  It tells them nine must turn to six or there shall be dire consequences.  Nobody can muster the courage to re-enter Mr Svenson's office with his body still hanging until Ridley steps up, wanting to prove himself.  He goes into the office and retrieves what is a collection of dangerous objects and photographs.  The photographs are revealed to be pictures of their family members who have been abducted and evidently abused in the pictures, much to everybody's despair.  Sally sacrifices herself, saying that she hasn't got long left and so she wants the rest of them to survive.  She isn't strong enough to kill herself and so asks somebody else to do it for her - Lionel agrees and she dies quickly, smiling.  It is at this point that people start wondering where Billy is and as they enter the bathroom, they see the blood on the broken glass from his hand and realise that he must have jumped meaning that only one more person needs to die.  Due to the high risk situation, Trish reveal her feelings to Murdoch, who in turn admits that he loves her.  She tells him that that is all she ever wanted to hear, and sacrifices herself to save him.  He is obviously very upset by this.

After a while the Tannoy sounds once again.  This reveals that there are 3 tasks that need to be completed by three members of the remaining six survivors in order to save themselves and one other person.  One is a mental challenge, one physical and one spiritual.  The mental one takes place in the bathroom; in there the challenger is strapped onto the disabled toilet answering mathematical questions for two minutes whilst a gun is trained on their forehead from behind what used to be a mirror but is now translucent glass. There is a unanimous agreement that Vanessa should do this task due to her great intelligence, she is unhappy to do this and suggests Ridley partakes instead.  However the after a vote, Vanessa reluctantly agrees.  She is strapped in and the challenge starts, the questions begin quite easy however by about half way they have become inconceivably difficult.  Inevitably, Vanessa fails to answer one of these impossible questions with 1 second remaining and is shot through the head.  Aggrieved but forced to continue, they move onto the next challenge, physical.  This involves climbing through the air vent in order to get to the wheel which will inevitably stop poisonous gas which is being leaked into the vent at the same time.  Murdoch, overcome with grief after the death of Trish, volunteers that he doesn't care what happens to him anymore.  Jack tries to change his mind and put himself forward but Murdoch refuses and enters.  He reaches the end of the vent by using maps inprinted on the walls however when he goes to turn the wheel it wont move and has been jammed there, trapping him in the toxins, killing him.  The final challenge involves an electric chair which is in the dark and unused stationery cupboard.  The challenger would need to be strapped into the chair and the voltage increases higher and higher over a short period of time.  Lionel demands to do it, despite Jack's protests and sits in the chair.  Lionel somehow manages to withstand the whole time however the voltage wont stop, increasing still until Lionel finally dies of severe burns.  The people then realise that all three of the traps were set up to allow no survivors.

Only Jack, Jane and Ridley remaining.  They each realise that whoever is behind this isn't going to let anybody go.  They are scared and begin questioning who would do such a thing.  Ridley starts gagging and runs to the bathroom to be sick.  Jane and Jack continue discussing who could have been behind all the Tannoy.  Sudden realisation that it is Ridley, before Ridley then shoots Jack in the back of the head.  He then runs towards a fleeing Jane and skewers her through the back of the head and out through the eye socket with a knife from back in Stage 2, meant for Billy who instead killed himself. 

Everything is quiet.  Ridley takes his jacket from the back of his chair, wipes the blood from his forehead with a hankerchief in his jacket pocket, and walks out of the office.  The shot turns to behind the Tannoy and pans out to reveal that nobody is sat there and that all the Tannoy messages and commands were pre-recorded and that nobody was manning it at any one time.

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