Wednesday 5 November 2014

Cinderella Narrative

Todorov's Structure

Equilibrium - Cinderella works as a full-time cleaner at a university, working for the headmistress and being trampled on by the students, especially two young women whom represented the classic 'Ugly Sisters'

De-equilibrium - An opportunity arises for one of the female students at the school to accompany Hans Prince, a famous scientist and mythologist to a foreign country in order to make a documentary about his work. Cinderella wants to apply but is not allows to.

New Equilibrium - Despite the many restrictions and hurdles she had faced regarding this job opportunity, Cinderella beats the Ugly Sisters and wins the opportunity.  However at the last move, the famous scientist decides to cancel the documentary and move away with Cinderella instead.  A happy ending for the protagonist

Propp's Characters

Protagonist - Cinderella

Antagonist - School Headteacher

Heroine/Reward - The HandsomePrince

Father - The Handsome Prince

Helper - Buttons (Traditionally)

Donor - Fairy Godmother/Asian Cleaner

Mentor - Fairy Godmother/Asian Cleaner

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