Thursday 8 January 2015

Ideal Locations

What are the ideal location(s) for your two minute opening?

In our piece we plan on using two specific openings.

1.  Youtuber's bedroom

This should be an open space with plain white walls so that the filming can be focussed on her and not her surroundings.  Also, by making the walls white, it gives off connotations of her innocence and purity when the intruder enters her room.

2.  Outside the house

This area should be filmed in the day as so easy to film and shows off the impression that this can happen at any time, and highlights how bizarre the invasion is, as well as how crazy the man is, that he wouldn't even think to commit the crime under the cover of darkness.  The street would be pretty normal and realistic, meaning there is no reason to find a secluded or empty area without traffic.



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