Tuesday 6 January 2015

Coursework: General Overview

Obviously, with the new plan of action, there is a new series of events which we need to capture on screen.

Our 2-minute film opening idea involves two characters; one young female youtuber/vlogger and one quite frightening, almost psychotic older male stalker type character.  For the purpose of saving time, I shall refer to them in this post as 'youtuber' and 'man'.  A technique used in our piece is cross cutting between the two characters and how they eventually come together for the conclusion.  To make this post easier to read, whenever the scene has cut to the other character, we shall use a ' \\ ' symbol.

Synopsis / Our Vision:

The youtuber is filming a new video in her room for her channel.  This is not said, however it is made evident by the screen layout, which shows her talking about makeup into an in-shot camera whilst a laptop showing the recording is also visible on screen.


There shall be a close up on the dirty hand and phone of an unknown man.  On the screen of this phone he shall be scrolling through and 'liking' all the photos on the girl's instagram account.  He then gets into a car.  As the car door slams shut, the shot changes.


A close up of the youtuber's phone flashing on her drawer, as the man is liking her photos.  It is evident that she has not noticed since her voice is still audible from her appearing in her video.


The man is parks his car outside the driveway behind some bushes outside a house.  As he exits the car, the camera pans around the inside of it, revealing many photos, scripts and other disturbed things he has collected over time.


More youtuber (undecided)


Close up as the man wraps his fingers around the door handle and opens it, walking into the house.


More youtuber (undecided)


You can see the hands of the man looking at decorations/vases on a cabinet.  His clumsiness accidentally knocks a vase over and it smashes on the floor.


The youtuber pauses, obviously hearing the smash, takes a moment, but then dismisses it and continues.


The man is quite frantic as he tries to sweep the vase pieces under the cabinet.  He then gets up and sees the stairs, he looks up them.


The youtuber is reaching the end of her video and there and she is saying the closing parts of it when the two characters finally appear at the same time in shot.  The man approaches the youtuber, as he gets close, the movie cuts to black.


The word 'Uploading' flashes onto the screen in white and the bar underneath slowly fills.


'Upload complete' in red.

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