Thursday 2 October 2014

Sound in Slumdog Millionaire

How is sound used primarily in this clip

In this clip, sounds is predominantly featured in order to create suspense whilst provoking fear and emotion for the viewers and the characters.

There is mostly diagetic sound in the clip with a few rare flashes of non-diagetic sound throughout the clip.  Because it is a flashback, all sounds in this clip come from Jamal's own memory, therefore when he first see's the attacking mob, everything slows down and the sound becomes distorted, helping add suspense to the clip.

As the flashback ends, there is complete silence and we see a close up of Jamal's face deep in thought.  This silence successfully juxtaposes to the extreme terror and violence coming from inside his mind as he thinks back over his experiences.

Three other things to comment on

- All suspenseful tones die out as the violence starts and the slaughtering is the only thing audible.

- Faint and delicate music is audible as the character of Latika is introduced to the story.

- Before the attackers arrive, the sounds of children messing around in the river and friendly conversation can be heard.  However, all the innocence and playfulness is drowned out by the deep, heavy tones which are played over it as the attackers leave the train.

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